Achieving more

Seven questions to ask any content supplier

to ensure you have content that boosts (and doesn't damage) your reputation

Grow with love. Paul Claireaux

Seven questions to ask any content supplier

to ensure you have content that boosts (and doesn't damage) your reputation

This page is for YOU if you run a financial advice, planning or coaching firm and you use (or plan to use) licensable educational content in your business.

How to build an awesome financial plan.

And map it out on one sheet of paper.

Seven Steps. Paul Claireaux

How to build an awesome financial plan.

And map it out on one sheet of paper.

A 10 to 20-minute read, depending on your speed. The shocking thing is that almost no one knows how to design a financial life plan. Yet, there’s a widely agreed-upon (and life-changing) approach to this challenge that can help you regardless of where you live, your age, or your level of wealth. So, in this…

Five reasons we don’t talk about money.

And how to overcome them.

Elephant in the room.

Five reasons we don’t talk about money.

And how to overcome them.

A 10 to 20-minute read, depending on your speed. This is the first of two Insights for anyone who struggles to talk about (and deal with) personal money matters. And that’s most of us from time to time! Here, we’ll explore the first five of ten reasons we might find it hard to talk about…

Thinking about choosing boxes for your money?

Let's be clear, you don't start here!

It pays to keep an open mind. Carl Sagan. Paul Claireaux

Thinking about choosing boxes for your money?

Let's be clear, you don't start here!

A 10 to 20-minute read – depending on your speed This is the first of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. In this series, we’ll equip you with an eight-point checklist for assessing any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you. And this checklist will…

Should you pay for financial advice?

And if so, what's a reasonable price?

Lost in front of map. Paul Claireaux

Should you pay for financial advice?

And if so, what's a reasonable price?

If you’re considering working with a financial coach, planner, or adviser and are concerned about the potential cost, this Insight is for you. This is a 10 to 20-minute read, depending on your speed. Yes, it’s quite a long read, but we believe everyone needs to understand the (various) answers to this question. After all,…

Why is financial planning a secret?

And what could this mean for you - and your loved ones?

Why is this a secret. Shocked. Paul Claireaux

Why is financial planning a secret?

And what could this mean for you - and your loved ones?

This is the first of three Insights in which we’ll reveal the biggest secret in personal finance – how to design a great financial plan. Later in this series, we’ll outline the (widely agreed) financial planning process in seven (A.W.E.S.O.M.E.) steps that you can use regardless of your age, income, wealth or wherever you live…

Do you really need a coach?

and are they worth paying for?

IDEAL work. IKIGAI. Paul Claireaux.

Do you really need a coach?

and are they worth paying for?

I quite like this ‘IDEAL’ work concept – but it’s a high bar to reach – and we need to take care not to beat ourselves up when we’re not in that central zone – which is likely to be much of the time. Also be aware that this Venn diagram is often wrongly used…

Why financial planning is not common sense.

and why that's a good thing.

Common Sense. Clear Simple and Wrong. Mencken.

Why financial planning is not common sense.

and why that's a good thing.

A 10 to 20-minute read – depending on your speed. Most of us look for common-sense answers to various questions in life. In this Insight, we’ll explore why that is often a bad idea, particularly when it comes to money. Of course, common-sense answers to simple questions can be helpful. But with complex questions (like…

Can you solve the same birthday riddle?

and how could that help you in life?

School children. Hands up. Paul Claireaux

Can you solve the same birthday riddle?

and how could that help you in life?

A 5 to 10-minute read – depending on your speed. In our Insight on why financial planning is not common sense, we asked you to guess the answer to this same-birthday riddle. And if you’ve not yet read that Insight, start there.

Four more ways to choose good boxes for your money.

Exploring the second half of the FILTRATE checklist

FILTRATE Checklist. Points 5 to 8. Paul Claireaux

Four more ways to choose good boxes for your money.

Exploring the second half of the FILTRATE checklist

A 6 to 12-minute read – depending on your speed This is the last of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. Here, we’ll complete our eight-point FILTRATE checklist – and so, equip you to assess any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you.

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