
Four ways to choose good boxes for your money

FILTRATE Checklist points 1 to 4. Paul Claireaux

Four ways to choose good boxes for your money

A 10 to 20-minute read – depending on your speed This is the third of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. Our aim in this series is to equip you with an eight-point checklist for assessing any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you. And…

Why does content creation take so long?

How much time. Paul Claireaux.

Why does content creation take so long?

Why does content creation take so much time? Here’s an outline of why content creation takes so much time. First, it takes a financial planning qualified and skilled writer between 30 and 60 minutes (per 100 words) to create and finish a solid educational Insight of between 2,000 and 3,000 words. Yes, that sounds like…

What REALLY matters to you?

Achieve more of what matters to you

What REALLY matters to you?

So what really matters to you? Let’s have a think with this wonderful – and funny – story on the meaning of life

Five (more) reasons we don’t talk about money

Lone Elephant. Paul Claireaux

Five (more) reasons we don’t talk about money

A 10 to 20-minute read, depending on your speed. This is the second of two Insights for anyone who struggles to talk about (and deal with) personal money matters. And that’s most of us at times! Here, we’ll explore another five (of ten) reasons we might find it hard to talk about money, whether with…

How to start your search for meaning

Frankl. Pulled by Goals. Paul Claireaux

How to start your search for meaning

If you’re on a search for meaning in your life, there can surely be no better place to start than by reading the ideas of Viktor Frankl – in his book ‘Man’s search for meaning’

Seven questions to ask any content supplier

Grow with love. Paul Claireaux

Seven questions to ask any content supplier

This page is for YOU if you run a financial advice, planning or coaching firm and you use (or plan to use) licensable educational content in your business.

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