Advice to Avoid

The first two factors to consider when investing.

that you must never forget.

The first two factors to consider when investing. Paul Claireaux

The first two factors to consider when investing.

that you must never forget.

A 5 to 10-minute read, depending on your speed In this second (of three) Insights, you’ll learn about the first two of four factors to consider when deciding what level of investment risk to take – on each of your financial life goals. These Insights are written to help all (new, recent and experienced) investors…

The two most important factors to consider when investing

that you must never forget.

Two most important factors for investing. Paul Claireaux

The two most important factors to consider when investing

that you must never forget.

(a 7 to 10-minute read, depending on your speed) In this final (of three) Insights, you’ll learn the two most important factors to consider – when trying to decide what level of investment risk to take – on each of your financial life goals. These Insights are written to help all (new, recent and experienced)…

Why you need to beware of goal obsession

and how it could literally kill you

Aircraft into storm

Why you need to beware of goal obsession

and how it could literally kill you

If you’re planning to travel by aeroplane again (at some time in the future!) you’ll be pleased to know that pilots are trained to avoid goal obsession. In this short Insight, I want to explore why you need to avoid goal obsession too – and why you need to be extra ‘wary’ of those around…

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Minsky. Stability to Instability. Paul Claireaux

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Whatever your interest (or leaning) in politics, and unless you’re very young, you surely can’t have missed Theresa May’s promise of stability and certainty in the run up to the messy 2017 UK election.

Why confident people on the stage

might not be best qualified to be your sage

Who's that on the stage. Paul Claireaux

Why confident people on the stage

might not be best qualified to be your sage

If you’re interested in personal development, you’ve probably been to a few seminars and seen a few confident gurus, standing on a stage, selling their ideas. The question is, have you managed to work out which (if any) of these people (or more importantly, their ideas) are really worth following?

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Joe and Naomi

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Updated following the tragic recent death of ‘day trader’ Alex Kearns. This Insight is aimed at helping anyone (like my fictional character Joe, in the story below) to understand the real and horrendous risks of spread betting before it’s too late. Please share with your friends.

No one cares how much you know

until they know how much you care

Roosevelt. No one cares how much you know

No one cares how much you know

until they know how much you care

No one cares, how much you know until they know how much you care What a truly brilliant insight that is. It comes from Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, U.S. president from 1901 to 1909, and I think some business leaders could learn a lesson from this. If you want to motivate people to work with you,…

What is the the true cost of a pension?

and why might it be LESS than 'some' experts tell you?

Cappuccino Pension

What is the the true cost of a pension?

and why might it be LESS than 'some' experts tell you?

Warning: This is a four-year-old post which I need to update, esp. with new State Pension numbers. The broad messages, however, remain valid.  So, what is the true cost of a pension? It sounds like a simple question, doesn’t it? But it’s seemingly impossible for some financial journalists to get to the bottom of it – as…

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

Jenny Shoo

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

In this extract from Chapter 1 of my book, ‘Who misleads YOU about money?’ we’ll learn how we’re tricked into spending all our money today. This matters because the result is our failure to save for our big, long term financial life goals – for ourselves and our loved ones.

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