Rhino Ron explains his Spread Betting (Day Trading) course

But fails to mention that 80% of people lose money at this

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Rhino Ron thinks he’s a day trading (spread betting) guru … and that he can teach you to be the same. Know anyone like that?

Here he explains the value of his Day Traders course

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Get smarter investment ideas

For the full story on the horrendous risks in spread betting – head over here

And be sure to find a good adviser

Just to be clear, whilst I criticise bad financial advice, I believe that most advisors do a good job. And I generally recommend that people take financial advice.

No good adviser would suggest that you try to build yourself a fortune by day trading.

80% or more people lose money at this game – and some lose a lot more than their initial ‘stake’ (deposit’ too.

Learn more about the hideous risks of spread betting or CFD trading over here.

And find a good adviser to help you make a proper, long term financial life plan.

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