Posts Tagged ‘Truth’

What REALLY matters to you?

Here's a funny but powerful way to think about it

Achieve more of what matters to you

What REALLY matters to you?

Here's a funny but powerful way to think about it

So what really matters to you? Let’s have a think with this wonderful – and funny – story on the meaning of life

How to start your search for meaning

and the four places you'll find them

Frankl. Pulled by Goals. Paul Claireaux

How to start your search for meaning

and the four places you'll find them

If you’re on a search for meaning in your life, there can surely be no better place to start than by reading the ideas of Viktor Frankl – in his book ‘Man’s search for meaning’

Do you really need a coach?

and are they worth paying for?

IDEAL work. IKIGAI. Paul Claireaux.

Do you really need a coach?

and are they worth paying for?

I quite like this ‘IDEAL’ work concept – but it’s a high bar to reach – and we need to take care not to beat ourselves up when we’re not in that central zone – which is likely to be much of the time. Also be aware that this Venn diagram is often wrongly used…

Do you need to set goals?

or are you better off without them?

Goals do you need them

Do you need to set goals?

or are you better off without them?

Whether it’s on New Year’s eve, or any other day of the year, not everyone likes to set goals – and they’re not always necessary either! So, let’s take a balanced look at the pros and cons of having goals.

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

Start with why but...

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

A great many business and marketing consultants have fallen in love with Simon Sinek and his book, ‘Start with why’… but not everyone is that keen on Sinek’s ideas, and here’s why!

Would you dance with a lone nut?

And encourage others to join a NEW movement

Twain. Pause and Reflect. WC. C. Paul Claireaux

Would you dance with a lone nut?

And encourage others to join a NEW movement

If you’re anything like me, you’ll know that being different can sometimes be tough. Most people find it easier to agree (or go along) with the majority.

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

How often do you stop and think about what’s really important for your personal happiness? What activities seriously lift your mood – without giving you a hangover afterwards? In this extract from one of my books – I’ll tell you mine.

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