Would you dance with a lone nut?

And encourage others to join a NEW movement

Twain. Pause and Reflect. WC. C. Paul Claireaux

If you’re anything like me, you’ll know that being different can sometimes be tough.

Most people find it easier to agree (or go along) with the majority.

This is not to say I go looking for arguments!

But I do enjoy solving problems and finding ways to improve things for others.

And you do need to challenge the status quo if you’re going to do that.

Ever heard a business manager say this? 

‘This is the way we do things around here.’

What’s your immediate thought?

Here’s mine.

‘OK, that’s interesting – and I’m curious.

Have you explored how to do those things better, faster and at a lower cost ?’

Look, everyone knows that it’s only by improving systems that we raise living standards in the long term.

So we must find better, quicker and cheaper ways of doing things.

And we do – consistently over time.

I mean, where would we be today if we’d sat back and agreed with the majority that ‘the car’ or the ‘aeroplane’ would ‘never catch on’?

Henry Ford. Faster Horses. Paul Claireaux

But yes, life (and business) can be very tough when you offer a new way of thinking.

Trying to start a new ‘movement’ can be a bit scary for people at first.

So, if this is you – and you’re trying to get your message out there, you’ll know that this is no walk in the park.

Yes, we have the internet, but there’s so much on there that for most people, regardless of the quality of their work, it’s almost impossible to cut through.

Did you know that 300 hours of NEW video is loaded onto YouTube every minute!

Actually, that’s an old statistic – and goodness knows what it is now that so many more people and AI robots are pumping out video content!

I don’t know about you – but I’m struggling to keep up with it all 😉

We’re all simply overwhelmed by all the “noise” these days, aren’t we?

So, it’s really difficult to ‘stand out’

Of course, YOU can see the benefits of the changes you want to make, but it can take a long time to persuade others that the new game is better.

And, as this wonderful video (from Derek Sivers) demonstrates how we ‘lone nuts’ have more fun when we have a tribe of followers

And yes, that was like me – a lone nut – when I first started my movement – which is thankfully moving now.

That said, we always welcome more dancers – so why not join in and share this with your friends?

What a hilarious example of human behaviour this is

The fact is, most people prefer to stick with the majority.

And to be honest, who can blame them for taking their time to join in – in this case.

That guy really is a nut!

Most people will only make a move after they see a couple of others making it.

And this tipping point comes when we realise that ‘staying put’ risks being stuck with a new minority.

But this is science – not just a funny video

This is behavioural science in action.

And to learn more about it, try Duncan Watts’ book, Everything is obvious -once you know the answer.

There, you’ll find evidence of what it takes for crowds to grow and riots to start!

Scary stuff that.

This science can even explain what’s happening when we follow other people’s ‘likes’  – to choose a book or piece of music on Amazon !!!

In a nutshell, we prefer to follow than think.

It saves brain energy!

Here’s a link to Watts’ book on Amazon (affiliate link) 

Our desire to ‘conform’ is incredibly strong

As is our desire to obey authority figures – a topic we’ll return to.

And this is all relevant for how we plan our money – because the best ideas for doing that have moved on too.

So, don’t get stuck with the old (boring) ways of doing things.

And join me in the dance here – for a new and smarter way of thinking.

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