Posts Tagged ‘Information overload’

How many ways are you unique?

And why is this the key to planning your money?

How many ways are you unique. Clean. Paul Claireaux

How many ways are you unique?

And why is this the key to planning your money?

When we recognise we’re unique, we stop wasting time looking for ready-made financial plans – from bloggers, influencers or the money pages of the Press. Instead, we focus on designing what we need – a plan for our unique circumstances and financial life goals. We are unique in many ways, as we’ll see, but we…

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

Jenny Shoo

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

In this extract from Chapter 1 of my book, ‘Who misleads YOU about money?’ we’ll learn how we’re tricked into spending all our money today. This matters because the result is our failure to save for our big, long term financial life goals – for ourselves and our loved ones.

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

How often do you stop and think about what’s really important for your personal happiness? What activities seriously lift your mood – without giving you a hangover afterwards? In this extract from one of my books – I’ll tell you mine.

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Joe and Naomi

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Updated following the tragic recent death of ‘day trader’ Alex Kearns. This Insight is aimed at helping anyone (like my fictional character Joe, in the story below) to understand the real and horrendous risks of spread betting before it’s too late. Please share with your friends.




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