Smarter Investment Ideas

The first two factors to consider when investing.

that you must never forget.

The first two factors to consider when investing. Paul Claireaux

The first two factors to consider when investing.

that you must never forget.

A 5 to 10-minute read, depending on your speed In this second (of three) Insights, you’ll learn about the first two of four factors to consider when deciding what level of investment risk to take – on each of your financial life goals. These Insights are written to help all (new, recent and experienced) investors…

The two most important factors to consider when investing

that you must never forget.

Two most important factors for investing. Paul Claireaux

The two most important factors to consider when investing

that you must never forget.

(a 7 to 10-minute read, depending on your speed) In this final (of three) Insights, you’ll learn the two most important factors to consider – when trying to decide what level of investment risk to take – on each of your financial life goals. These Insights are written to help all (new, recent and experienced)…

How much Investment risk is right for you?

Part one (of three): Sorting out the basics.

When the tide goes out. Warren Buffett. Paul Claireaux

How much Investment risk is right for you?

Part one (of three): Sorting out the basics.

A 5 to 10-minute read, depending on your speed. This is the first of three Insights to help you consider how much investment risk might be right for you – on each of your financial life goals. These Insights are written to help all investors (novice, recent and experienced) because we all need to ensure…

How to choose the right boxes for your money.

Introducing a checklist you'll never forget

A checklist you'll never forget. Paul Claireaux

How to choose the right boxes for your money.

Introducing a checklist you'll never forget

A 5 to 10-minute read – depending on your speed. This is the second of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. In this series, we’ll equip you with an eight-point checklist for assessing any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you. And we believe this…

Thinking about choosing boxes for your money?

Let's be clear, you don't start here!

It pays to keep an open mind. Carl Sagan. Paul Claireaux

Thinking about choosing boxes for your money?

Let's be clear, you don't start here!

A 10 to 20-minute read – depending on your speed This is the first of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. In this series, we’ll equip you with an eight-point checklist for assessing any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you. And this checklist will…

Four ways to choose good boxes for your money

Exploring the first half of the FILTRATE checklist

FILTRATE Checklist points 1 to 4. Paul Claireaux

Four ways to choose good boxes for your money

Exploring the first half of the FILTRATE checklist

A 10 to 20-minute read – depending on your speed This is the third of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. Our aim in this series is to equip you with an eight-point checklist for assessing any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you. And…

Who might be happy after a stock market crash?

and who might be seriously upset?

Grace, Ian and Robert. Paul Claireaux.

Who might be happy after a stock market crash?

and who might be seriously upset?

A 10 to 15-minute read – depending on your speed. By the end of this Insight (for investors of all ages), you’ll understand more than most people about this critically important paradox of investing. In short, you’ll know why stock market crashes can (simultaneously) be good news for some people and miserable for others! We…

Four more ways to choose good boxes for your money.

Exploring the second half of the FILTRATE checklist

FILTRATE Checklist. Points 5 to 8. Paul Claireaux

Four more ways to choose good boxes for your money.

Exploring the second half of the FILTRATE checklist

A 6 to 12-minute read – depending on your speed This is the last of four Insights on how to choose the right boxes for your money. Here, we’ll complete our eight-point FILTRATE checklist – and so, equip you to assess any financial product (or strategy) that anyone could ever put to you.

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Joe and Naomi

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Updated following the tragic recent death of ‘day trader’ Alex Kearns. This Insight is aimed at helping anyone (like my fictional character Joe, in the story below) to understand the real and horrendous risks of spread betting before it’s too late. Please share with your friends.

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