Posts Tagged ‘Overwhelm’

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

Start with why but...

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

A great many business and marketing consultants have fallen in love with Simon Sinek and his book, ‘Start with why’… but not everyone is that keen on Sinek’s ideas, and here’s why!

How to be less busy

and achieve more of what *really* matters to you

How to be less busy

and achieve more of what *really* matters to you

Who wants to be – a less busy bee? Lots of us do, so let’s explore how to achieve more of what matters to us – without getting frazzled on the way?

Why you need to beware of goal obsession

and how it could literally kill you

Aircraft into storm

Why you need to beware of goal obsession

and how it could literally kill you

If you’re planning to travel by aeroplane again (at some time in the future!) you’ll be pleased to know that pilots are trained to avoid goal obsession. In this short Insight, I want to explore why you need to avoid goal obsession too – and why you need to be extra ‘wary’ of those around…

Five reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

Voltaire. Perfect Enemy of Good. Paul Claireaux

Five reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

I’ve been meaning to write this Insight, on why we procrastinate, for some time. Sorry about that, but I couldn’t resist! Joking aside, we will look at the five reasons why, according to a world-leading (mental health) Doctor, we so often delay on our most important work, but first let’s explore a linked idea on…

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Minsky. Stability to Instability. Paul Claireaux

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Whatever your interest (or leaning) in politics, and unless you’re very young, you surely can’t have missed Theresa May’s promise of stability and certainty in the run up to the messy 2017 UK election.

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

How often do you stop and think about what’s really important for your personal happiness? What activities seriously lift your mood – without giving you a hangover afterwards? In this extract from one of my books – I’ll tell you mine.

Do you need to set goals?

or are you better off without them?

Goals do you need them

Do you need to set goals?

or are you better off without them?

Whether it’s on New Year’s eve, or any other day of the year, not everyone likes to set goals – and they’re not always necessary either! So, let’s take a balanced look at the pros and cons of having goals.

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