How much investment risk is right for you?
Could this Insight help your clients, potential clients – and their family and friends?
On this page, I answer six questions:
- What will your audiences learn from this series of Insights on ‘How much investment risk is right for you?’
- How will you decide if these Insights are right for your business?
- How evergreen (long-lasting) are these Insights?
- Where in the world can you use these Insights?
- What assets do you receive when you buy a license to use these Insights?
- What’s the cost of this content compared to the cost of creating it in-house?
If you’re new here, read this page first to decide, in general terms, if my content-to-go service could be right for you.
1. What will your audiences learn from this series?
This three-part series of Insights on ‘How much Investment risk is right for you? ‘ aims to help all (new, recent, and experienced) investors – because we must all ensure that the risks we take on our investments are right for our personal situation – and plans.
The series answers the crucial question of how to decide on the right level of Investment risk to take – for each of our financial life goals.
Here are some of the lessons covered:
- Why it’s impossible for anyone (however smart they claim to be) to advise you on investments from a blog, book or video.
- Why your adviser needs to be qualified and know all about your personal circumstances and ambitions – to advise you.
- The Ten Foundations of Personal Finance to sort out – before you consider Investing
- Why investments tend to produce higher returns than cash savings – over the long term.
- A powerful illustration of the effect of a small extra annual investment return – over the long term.
- A warning about the extreme risks in aiming for much higher returns than mainstream diversified funds can deliver.
- The overwhelming choice of (140,000) investment funds and why analysing those is the wrong way to approach this.
- A simple model to understand the risk and reward spectrum of investment funds.
- The four key factors to consider when deciding what level of risk to take.
- Why we may need to adjust our ‘Attitude to Risk’ result – in line with our Capacity for Risk – on each of our life goals.
2. How might you decide if this series of Insights is right for your business?
Start by reading the series, which starts here.
And be assured that preparing the content for your business will only require minor edits.
You apply your preferred term (‘adviser’ or ‘planner’ or ‘coach’, etc.) and your own call to action to the content, and you’re ready to go.
If you want to make significant changes to this content, please contact me to explore that option before you purchase a license.
Minor changes that do not affect any core message should be fine, but please check with me first if you want to change some of the messages. And please be aware that a highly qualified Chartered Financial Planner has checked (and is happy with) this Insight.
Subject to my availability, we may be able to create derivative versions of this content if you feel you need those. Just be aware that such custom-made pieces will cost more than this ‘ready-to-use’ content, and we’d need to agree on how we work together to create them.
3. How evergreen (long-lasting) are these Insights?
Most of the messages in this series are ‘evergreen’ and will not be affected by changes in tax or interest rates, movements in markets or the winds of change in politics or economics.
In the few areas where updates may be required, I’ll amend the Insight and issue the new version free of charge to all license holders.
If you spot any out-of-date information, feel free to notify me, and I’ll update them ASAP.
4. Where in the world can you use these Insights?
This particular series of four insights has been written primarily for financial advisers, planners, and coaches who work with UK-resident clients.
However, the structure and most of the core messages in these Insights are applicable to savers and investors worldwide.
In any event, if you’re a non-UK-based adviser or coach, you may license the content and edit it as necessary around the financial product, tax and regulatory rules in your country.
In the future, I hope to partner with a qualified and experienced US-based financial planner to create a US-ready set of these Insights.
If that project interests you, don’t hesitate to e-mail me at
5. What assets do you receive when you purchase a license?
Once you purchase a license to use this content, you’ll receive an e-mail with a link to a folder containing:
- The series of three consumer-facing educational Insights of c. 5,400 carefully crafted words in total – or around 10% of a typical non-fiction book!
- 19 high-quality and website-optimised images to bring the Insights to life. Images are essential for boosting engagement and where you choose to present this content as a slide deck within or outside your business.
If you prefer to offer shorter lessons, you could slice this series into more (say 5 to 6) Insights.
Please let me know if you’d like help with that – it’s essential that each Insight has a clear ‘intro’ and ‘outro’ – when they’re part of a series.
6. What’s the cost of this content versus creating it in-house?
If you have a highly skilled (and financial planning-qualified) writer in-house, they’d need between 27 and 54 hours of intense work to develop ideas like this, research the facts and create these four Insights with all the images and the summary guide.
Yes, it might take less (or more!) time, depending on how many drafts are needed before you’re happy with the result.
For your information, I typically create 7 to 10 drafts of my Insights before I’m happy with my work. So, content creators (like authors and songwriters) work at different paces.
The pace varies between songs Insights, too.
Assuming you charge that person’s time at the average adviser rate of £200 per hour (Source: Vouched For), this content set would cost you between £5,400 and £10,800 to create. So, I’ll assume a midpoint estimate of £8,100.
Double those estimates for a £400 hourly rate. Halve them for a rate of £100 per hour.
If you hired a professional writer to create this content, you might save a third of those costs if the writer can create high-quality content faster than your in-house adviser, and their fees are less than those of an adviser – which they generally will be.
My fee today for a lifetime license to use this content (with free updates) is 96% less than the mid-point estimate cost of creating your own content.
This launch offer price equates to around 90 minutes of work for an average financial adviser – and is c. 33% off the normal price for this series of Insights.
This ‘giveaway’ offer is only available to a limited number of firms (worldwide) who license this content – and will be withdrawn without notice.
So, if you feel your clients (or their family and friends) would value this series, please grab this lifetime license now.
The price shown is for firms offering financial advice, planning, or coaching and employing less than eight client-facing staff.
If your firm is larger or you offer other financial services, please e-mail to request a price quote for this license at
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