Posts Tagged ‘what matters to you’

Who should you vote for?

The triumph of evil

Who should you vote for?

Here’s a thought on the coming fight against political extremists. (You’ll find that quote at the entrance to the Holocaust exhibition at London’s Imperial War Museum) There can be no doubt that the people want change and are gravitating towards the political extremists who promise it. The question is – do we need their sort…

One good thing about Trump

One good thing about Trump

This political type of Insight is rare for me but this issue comes down to human behaviour and I have something to say about that. Yesterday, Donald Trump took a another big step towards chaos in the USA – and around the world – with his latest ‘executive order’ – on immigration.

Communicate like Churchill

Churchill. Through Hell.

Communicate like Churchill

Winston Churchill was famous for many things but perhaps his greatest asset was his speaking power. People follow leaders who communicate well. That said, we’ve been reminded this year, that some people follow overconfident fools. A subject we’ll come back to another time. Today I want to focus on what Churchill did differently to make…

The day of the dead

Day of the dead

The day of the dead

Hey there, I just wanted to share a couple of videos with you – on this most amazing ‘day of the dead’ festival in mexico. You may recall it from the opening scenes of ‘Spectre’ the James Bond Film – if you follow that genre 😉 But did you know that this festival also contributes greatly to…




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