Posts Tagged ‘Science’

Why confident people on the stage

might not be best qualified to be your sage

Who's that on the stage. Paul Claireaux

Why confident people on the stage

might not be best qualified to be your sage

If you’re interested in personal development, you’ve probably been to a few seminars and seen a few confident gurus, standing on a stage, selling their ideas. The question is, have you managed to work out which (if any) of these people (or more importantly, their ideas) are really worth following?

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

How often do you stop and think about what’s really important for your personal happiness? What activities seriously lift your mood – without giving you a hangover afterwards? In this extract from one of my books – I’ll tell you mine.

What’s your life story, and how has it affected your attitude to money?

This emotionally moving exercise will help you find out.

What's your life story?

What’s your life story, and how has it affected your attitude to money?

This emotionally moving exercise will help you find out.

This Insight is for you if you’re aged between 25 and 65, and striving to achieve more in your life, but feel that your attitude to money might be holding you back. Here you’ll learn a proven and powerful exercise to discover how your unique life story might have affected your attitude to money, and how…

Finding happiness in shades of grey

and no, it's not about 'that' book!

Camus. We deceive ourselves twice

Finding happiness in shades of grey

and no, it's not about 'that' book!

Albert Camus had some great insights on life and relationships and this one is so true don’t you think? Our views are distorted, either by affection on the way into a relationship or dislike on the way out. So, it’s easy to lose our sense of balance on these journeys …

How obedient are you to authority?

And how's that affecting your finances?

Road to riches. Paul Claireaux

How obedient are you to authority?

And how's that affecting your finances?

Perhaps it’s obvious that obedience to authority does not always serve us well, but the truth is that most people are very obedient. Most people will accept instructions to do crazy or even dangerous things; it’s simply part of our human condition.

Feeling good about this book

because it's helped a lot of people, including me, with depression

David Burns. One person make you happy. Paul Claireaux

Feeling good about this book

because it's helped a lot of people, including me, with depression

To achieve more,of whatever we strive for, it sure helps if we’re feeling good about it. And yet we can’t feel good all the time  – so how do we deal with that?

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