Posts Tagged ‘results’

Why there’s no F in change

and why we need a bit of discomfort to achieve it.

Leaping for change

Why there’s no F in change

and why we need a bit of discomfort to achieve it.

If you want to make a change in your life, to achieve more for yourself or your loved ones, this is the best way to start that journey. This Insight is one of many you’ll find on this site that explores solid (evidence-based) ideas to help you with personal change. If you like this one,…

Who is the hero in your business?

You or your customer?

Cheering the hero

Who is the hero in your business?

You or your customer?

When we think about who to position as the hero in our business… we’ll often think about ways to raise our own brand profile… and about what else we need to do to prove that we’re leaders (or ‘thought leaders’) in our field. But, whatever our ambition, we should never forget that the person who…

5 reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

Voltaire Perfect enemy of good

5 reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

In this Insight, we’ll explore 5 reasons why, according to one world-leading psychiatrist, we procrastinate… but first, let’s take a quick look at a linked idea about happiness.

Get your teenagers flying

teach them to invest *early* in themselves

Teenagers flying

Get your teenagers flying

teach them to invest *early* in themselves

On this site, and in my book, ‘Who can you trust about money?’ I focus on ideas to help you achieve more of what matters to you – for yourself or your loved ones. Here I want to share one simple but powerful idea (with many applications in life) which could help any teenager make…

What REALLY matters to you?

Here's a funny but powerful way to think about it

Achieve more of what matters to you

What REALLY matters to you?

Here's a funny but powerful way to think about it

So what really matters to you? Let’s have a think with this wonderful – and funny – story on the meaning of life

What attracts women to men?

And what attracts men to women

What attracts women to men

What attracts women to men?

And what attracts men to women

Not everyone is a fan of Jordan Peterson – the now, very famous psychologist. He’s certainly one of those ‘Marmite’ characters for many.

How to turn £2,400 into £20,000 with simple financial magic

And without taking any silly investment risks

Financial magic

How to turn £2,400 into £20,000 with simple financial magic

And without taking any silly investment risks

How would you like to learn some real financial magic? Well, this might be one of the most magical money ideas you’ll ever see. But, before you read on, I must warn you . . . the key idea here might not help you personally. It all depends on your circumstances. That said, if you…

How will you design your future work life?

(assuming you plan to keep working after selling your business)

Working on the beach. Paul Claireaux

How will you design your future work life?

(assuming you plan to keep working after selling your business)

Hello! This is the third of four posts designed to help you explore your motivations for selling your business – and help you design a good future work life. There are many complex factors to consider when selling a business – and at Melo we can guide you through those when you’re ready to start….

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