Posts Tagged ‘results’

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

What's selling all about

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

Most people in business say ‘I don’t like selling’ or ‘I don’t want our marketing to be salesy‘ … and I absolutely get that. No one wants to be viewed as a ‘cheezy, sleazy’ salesperson, do they? But if being ‘salesy’ is absolutely not what selling is about, what’s the secret?

The number one secret to success in sales

The simple solution that most people ignore

#1 secret to sales success. Paul Claireaux

The number one secret to success in sales

The simple solution that most people ignore

If you’re interested in selling (or you need your team to sell) a lot more of your products or services for the same or less effort, then this Insight is for you. This is also probably the most valuable business tip I know.

What is the the true cost of a pension?

and why might it be LESS than 'some' experts tell you?

Cappuccino Pension

What is the the true cost of a pension?

and why might it be LESS than 'some' experts tell you?

Warning: This is a four-year-old post which I need to update, esp. with new State Pension numbers. The broad messages, however, remain valid.  So, what is the true cost of a pension? It sounds like a simple question, doesn’t it? But it’s seemingly impossible for some financial journalists to get to the bottom of it – as…

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

Jenny Shoo

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

In this extract from Chapter 1 of my book, ‘Who misleads YOU about money?’ we’ll learn how we’re tricked into spending all our money today. This matters because the result is our failure to save for our big, long term financial life goals – for ourselves and our loved ones.

Feeling good about this book

because it's helped a lot of people, including me, with depression

David Burns. One person make you happy. Paul Claireaux

Feeling good about this book

because it's helped a lot of people, including me, with depression

To achieve more,of whatever we strive for, it sure helps if we’re feeling good about it. And yet we can’t feel good all the time  – so how do we deal with that?

How to prevent arguments about money

and minimise the need to talk about money at all.

Angry with my partner

How to prevent arguments about money

and minimise the need to talk about money at all.

If you have arguments about money with your partner – or you sense an argument is brewing – this Insight is for you. You might also find this Insight useful even if ‘money is no problem’ in your home, currently, or to share it to help others.

Build more trust in your business

and help build trust in an industry

Build trust in your business

Build more trust in your business

and help build trust in an industry

If you manage (or run the marketing for) a financial services business – offering advice, financial products or both – then this Insight is for you. If you’re a customer of financial services – you might find it interesting too 😊

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