Posts Tagged ‘Cognitive bias’

Five reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

Voltaire. Perfect Enemy of Good. Paul Claireaux

Five reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

I’ve been meaning to write this Insight, on why we procrastinate, for some time. Sorry about that, but I couldn’t resist! Joking aside, we will look at the five reasons why, according to a world-leading (mental health) Doctor, we so often delay on our most important work, but first let’s explore a linked idea on…

Why confident people on the stage

might not be best qualified to be your sage

Who's that on the stage. Paul Claireaux

Why confident people on the stage

might not be best qualified to be your sage

If you’re interested in personal development, you’ve probably been to a few seminars and seen a few confident gurus, standing on a stage, selling their ideas. The question is, have you managed to work out which (if any) of these people (or more importantly, their ideas) are really worth following?

Why you should ignore guru guidance

and climb on the shoulders of giants

Newton, not gurus

Why you should ignore guru guidance

and climb on the shoulders of giants

If someone you care about is a raving fan of a ‘guru’ – and waits upon their guru’s every word – for life planning advice – please share this with them. There really are better roads to self-improvement.

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

Jenny Shoo

Is your mood being manipulated?

To get you spending *all* your money today?

In this extract from Chapter 1 of my book, ‘Who misleads YOU about money?’ we’ll learn how we’re tricked into spending all our money today. This matters because the result is our failure to save for our big, long term financial life goals – for ourselves and our loved ones.

Throw away your dream board

and visualize the right thing

Dream Boards

Throw away your dream board

and visualize the right thing

A lot of personal coaches will tell you that to boost your chances of success on your biggest life goals, you need to imagine yourself having achieved that goal. Many will also suggest that you create a dream board (aka Vision Board) with colourful pictures of everything you want, or believe you will become, to…

5 reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

Voltaire Perfect enemy of good

5 reasons why we procrastinate

and how we can get ourselves unstuck

In this Insight, we’ll explore 5 reasons why, according to one world-leading psychiatrist, we procrastinate… but first, let’s take a quick look at a linked idea about happiness.

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