How to understand people

by understanding ourselves first

Franklin. Three hard things. Paul Claireaux

If you’re anything like me, you’ll strive to understand people – and to understand yourself šŸ˜‰

And, I have a sneaky feeling that’s most of us right?

Serious not Woo Woo

This acclaimed test will take you on a deep dive into the widely accepted OCEAN model of personality.

It’s a serious self-assessment tool designed by a world-leading Psychologist, Jordan Peterson.

So, it’s not the usual ‘woo woo’ you’ll find from most of those overconfident ‘blaggers’ on the stage.

Who's that on the stage. Paul Claireaux

Understanding yourself properly using this well-balanced test will also get you away from some of those other ‘silly’ discussions about whether ā€œwomen are nicer than menā€ etc.

Here you’ll learn that when we say ā€˜niceā€™ weā€™re really talking about ‘agreeableness’ – and to fully understand how ā€˜agreeableā€™ someone is, we need to know how ‘politeā€™ and ‘compassionate’ they are too.

High scores not important

You might also be surprised to learn that high scores in any area are not what’s important.

Sometimes we need impolite people to challenge conventional ideas – to bring much-needed change to the world.

We also need people who are super-capable at solving complex tasks. And the evidence shows that not everyone in that group is very high in compassion.

So, this is simply about understanding yourself and those you work with – to help us all get along and achieve more with each other.

Take the test

You can take Jordan Peterson’s assessment here

It only costs $9.95, and frankly, that’s a complete ‘steal’ for this quality of this kind of test.

And no, there’s nothing in this for me; I’m just looking to share good ideas here.

If you do the test, feel free to pop back here with any Insight you discover about yourself.

But please keep it short, we don’t want all 10 pages in the comments!

Oops, sorry, that was a bit ‘impolite’ wasn’t it. Yes, but that’s just me – see below.

What about me?

Well, my scores are not that exciting one way or the other really except in one area – agreeableness!

It turns out that I have a very low politeness score…Ā 

Who’d have guessed?

I’m also keen on changing the world, but what might surprise you is that I’m above-average in compassion – which seems reasonable (to me at least) because I do care;Ā I care a great deal – about helping people achieve more of their potential.

This is 100% what my work,Ā and this site, is all about.

Hence, the logo!Achieve more of what matters to you

And I genuinely believe that understanding ourselves better can help a great deal with that.

So, let me know what you think,Ā I’d love to hear from you on this one.

Oh, and if you’re interested in learning more about yourself, your attitudes to money, and where those might have come from, try this Insight too.

Your Life Story. Attitude to Money. Paul Claireaux

Thanks for dropping in


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As a thank you, I’ll send you my ā€˜5 Steps for planning your Financial Freedomā€™ and the first chapter of my book, ‘Who misleads you about money?’Newsletter Sign up. Paul Claireaux 2020Also, for more frequent ideas – and more interaction – you can join my Facebook group here

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