Articles by Paul Claireaux

Balanced Funds Madness

balanced fund madness

Balanced Funds Madness

If you – or someone you care about – is a UK investor and invested a few years back (like many people did) into one of those ‘balanced’ funds, then you should read this. But first – watch the cartoon above – it has 4 parts.

Riddles IRATE (2)

Number riddle 2

Riddles IRATE (2)

Here’s another of my favourite riddles. How can those numbers (above) make sense? I’m sure that someone will provide the answer soon enough – and if they don’t I’ll add it in later. If you missed riddle number 1 you’ll find it here – it’s a beauty   All the best for now Paul Please…

The day of the dead

Day of the dead

The day of the dead

Hey there, I just wanted to share a couple of videos with you – on this most amazing ‘day of the dead’ festival in mexico. You may recall it from the opening scenes of ‘Spectre’ the James Bond Film – if you follow that genre 😉 But did you know that this festival also contributes greatly to…




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Why we hang on too long

Couch Potato

Why we hang on too long

Why do we hang on – too long – to things that are just not worth it! No, this Insight is not about personal relationships! Although it might explain some aspects of them 😉 This is about a natural human behaviour that can get us into a lot of trouble – unless we manage it.