A little more conversation

I love that music and video of the Elvis JXL mix 🙂

But its not less, it’s more conversation that I’m keen to generate.

Will you help me?


I’ve spent a large part of 2016 designing and building this new website as part of a radically new educational project.

My aim is to:

Help people understand their money and make better decisions about it.

And as you probably know by now, I do not sell financial products – so there are no adverts for those things here 🙂

If you believe what I’m doing is valuable educational work – will you please help me reach a wider audience?

I must admit to making a mistake

When I launched this site in September, a small ‘technical glitch’ went unnoticed and my comments system was switched off for the first 6 weeks.

Duhhhrrr !

So, despite obtaining literally thousands of visitors to the site, I only have a few comments so far.

And I’ve studied enough behavioural science to know that this is a problem.

Most people will only engage in conversations – after others have started it.

The favour?

All I ask is that you read one article . . . or more if you like 😉  and offer a comment.

And that’s it – that’s all I need.

Once we get the comments going, I’m confident that more people will join in.

You’ll find links (below) to some recent articles I’ve written but which have very few comments yet – for obvious reasons!

Choose any article (or articles) that take your fancy – including others on the site.

By the way, the first one listed below is about the ‘busyness’ challenge – and was prompted by the recent BBC series “Oliver Burkeman is Busy”

Oliver Burkeman, author and award winning journalist was most interested in my take on this – and I hope you are too.

All comments are welcome – short or long.

And I’m open to ‘challenges’ to my thinking here, as well as positive feedback 😉

I am most grateful for your time in reading this – and for any help you can give me in reaching a wider audience.

This educational work (to help people understand the fundamentals of personal finance) is now my life’s work.

Here’s that list of recent articles.

Just click through on one (or two) of these articles (something that ‘grabs you’ ) and share a thought in the comments – on that page.

Many thanks.


How to be less busy!

No need to apologise

Riddles IRATE number 3

Stormy Weather

The search for meaning

The madness of ‘Balanced’ funds

The last thing you need (to build your financial life plan)

Houses – to buy or not to buy  

House prices now

Political Extremism now

Red alert (on stock-markets)

Lies, damned lies and misleading fund marketing

How to make bad relationships good – the new empowerment dynamic

The dangerous truth about our beliefs

How do deal with the fact that no one cares what you know

A most amazing riddle (There’s a prize worth £20 here)

Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

You can log in with your social media or DISQUS account OR

To “post as a guest” – just add your name and that option will pop up.

And click this button – for more Ideas – straight to your inboxBook Chapter Free OfferI’ll also send you the ‘5 Steps for planning your Financial Freedom’ (FREE)

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